
Levi X Reader My Next Door Neighbor Chapter 10

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saphira305's avatar

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And the Winner is…

I tried everything, scaring him, hitting him, everything, but his stupid face wouldn’t budge.

“Really?” he said

I had just thrown mud on his face and clean uniform hoping that it would change the neat freak expression but he just look pissed off.

“What? You gave me no other option,” I said.

“You’re an idiot and you’re going to lose,” he said as wipe the mud from his face onto my uniform.
“You just wait and see nimrod,” I said.

It was already getting late; I only had a couple hours left before he would be declared the winner of this stupid bet. What was I thinking; he was emotional as a brick wall.

“Did you even cry when you were born or did you just come out of your mom’s belly with your constipated face?” I asked.

“First of all my face doesn’t look constipated,” he answered, “and second of all you were groping this “constipated” face last night.”

“First hugging not groping and second of all will you get over that already or wait…… is that the only time Corporal Levi had ever been hugged by a girl, you poor child.” I said

“Shut up and don’t you have a meeting do get too (Name)” he said looking at his watch.
Crap! I ran off leaving him alone on the street.

“Don’t worry I’ll be back,” I yelled.

It was already getting dark, I was going to lose. I would have gone off to go find Levi but Hanji-san had generously given me a pile of paper work to be completed my tomorrow morning. I sat outside with my back leaning against a tree and a couple of candles around me. I was working for about two hours, until I was interrupted by the one and only Levi.

“Have you surrendered?” he said walking towards me.

I slowly stood carefully placing my paperwork to the side. I brushed off the dust on my pants and said,

“If you really wanted to win you would have stayed away, but here you are buttercup,” I answered.

“I just wanted to see you lose the-“

He was about to continue but then I kissed him. I don’t know why, maybe I just wanted to win but still…It was short, my right hand brushed against his face. I pulled away and looked at him, he looked shocked and slightly confused.

“I win!!!” I yelled as I began to dance around him, “You lose, I win. I win, you lose, Wooooohooo!! I did it, I changed that stupid face of yours, am I amazing or what? Of course I’m amazing”

He proceeded to stand still with same astonished look on his face and I continued to cheer and dance around him. I cheered,

“Who owes me dinner, you do-“

Before I knew it my body was pushed towards the tree behind me with Levi’s lips pressed against mine.  He places his hand on my hips as he leaned in closer to kiss me. My eyes began to close as I wrapped my hands around this neck. I hated to admit but freakin nuggets was he a good kisser. His hands slid up body till it reached my face. He pulled away and whispered into my ear,

“Tomorrow 6:30 sharp, don’t be late brat,”

“Um yeah,” I mumbled

He walked off as I sat down.

What the hell…
After 10 chapters it has finally happened. I hope you liked the way I did.
Sorry in advance for any editing mistakes
© 2014 - 2024 saphira305
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YunoIsumaki's avatar
I'm literally screaming und blushing somehow lol